Moving Beyond Sage: Article Review


I don't know about yall but I have very special connection to the trees.  They are just so Ancient and Grand. As a matter of fact my son used to call them the Grancestorz when he was little. Awesome little things happen like this when your mom is an InnerG Werker and you have Autism. : ) 

Trees have seen it all as the generations pass on by. But do we ever stop to think about how precious they really are and how much they benefit us?

Recently, I was surfing around doing a little research when I stumbled upon an article that caught my attention on the website: Spirituality and Health: The Soul Body Connection. It was called 

7 SCARED RESINS TO BURN FOR CLEARING                                                                     NEGATIVE ENERGY
                                                         By Bess O'Conner

I knew I had to keep reading after her first three words: MOVE BEYOND SAGE.
O'Conner goes on to explain that burning resin produces a Holy Smoke that.... "repairs, protects and heals". She then offers up 7 highly effective  Scared Resins BEYOND SAGE that can be used cut negativity from any environment. 

The 7 Resins include:

Provides spiritual cleansing, connection to spirit realm

Provides clearing, spiritual connection, healing

Pinion Pine: 
Provides protection, healing, nurturing

Provides protection, purification, spiritual awareness, antidepressant

Provides purification, blessings, prosperity

Provides healing, protection, antiseptic, immortality restorative

Dragon’s Blood: 
Provides protection, negativity clearing, productivity

I was so excited to read this article! I burn Frankincense rocks all the time to cleanse. I love how they make my house smell like a temple but, I never knew that I was actually eliminating negative InnerG in a very powerful way the whole time I was doing this! I even talk about it in one of my videos posted on YouTube before I found this article.  

Well look at that!

Anyway, I have linked below a really interesting video from Aura Shift Mind Body that shows you how to use Copal to Raise and Clear Your Vibe. Also I'm linking a recent video from my channel Remember Tha Grandcestorz on 5 Ways to Block Negative InnerG. I go into detail about how I use Frankincense in this video. Don't forget to like and subscribe to both of these channels. 

Read Article HERE


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