5 Powerful Ways to Block Negative Energy


1. Know That You Are Already Divinely Protected

If you are attracted to this information then you arrived to this life with Divine Protections. You have had an entire spiritual team working to protect you since the day you were born. This team includes Spirit Guides, Angels, Ancestors and other Cosmic Beings. Never have you been alone along this journey. You ARE Divinely Protected!

2. Build Yourself a Protection Bubble

This is something very easy to do and it works very well. It's one of my favorite protections to use. In your mind think of yourself inside of a bubble where nothing in the world can harm you at all. You can program the bubble as any color you like with special things to heighten its protections such as sparkly deflectors that return negative innerg back to sender immediately. 

3. Speak to Your Ancestors.....Daily!

Your ancestors are waiting to help you but they can not if you don't ask. They are just like our elderly relatives on this side. They need a certain amount of your attention. And you should definitely give it to them because they have earned it. If you don't really deal with the elders but your sister does who do you think they are going to help in troubled times when the going gets tough?.......They are going to help your sister because she gives them attention. Your Ancestors work the same way. If you work with them in gratitude they WILL work with you too. 

4.  Proclaim The Day

It's very important to tell the innerg of the day what to do. Otherwise, it will do what it wants and that is always a hit or miss situation. Since we already know that we create reality with our thoughts, why not give purposeful directions for what we want out of our lives? 

5. Frankincense

Frankincense is very powerful in protection and can take the place of a sage/san palo smudging ritual. It is more ancient, more sacred and more powerful than sage for clearing negativity if you ask me. Bad InnerG hates frankincense. It's also great for turbo charging you intentions and performing smoke baths. 

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